Newsletter of the SR-52 Users Club
published at
9459 Taylorsville Road
Dayton, OH 45424
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Puzzling Sequences
It now appears that the topic "Pseudo Behavior" (see V1N5p3) is
not big enough to catch all of what is being discovered in the way of
strange behavior, so I will consider in this space reported combinations
of anything manually, SST, *bst, or program executable that produces a
new result. I'll explain what I can, and invite corrections, enhance-
ments, new explanations, etc from the membership at large. Henceforth,
pseudos will be designated with a p followed by the synthetically
creatable 2-digit code (p31 means pseudo 31); keyboard-creatable instruc-
tions will be designated by the appropriate mnemonic (*INV' is op-code
A *LBL Peculiarity (52): Michael Brown (128) and Dallas Egbert (384)
have found that if in RUN mode keying LRN is preceded by *LBL, the
program step pointer is advanced one step. Expanding this a little
further, I find that *LBL SST LRN advances the pointer 2 steps. It also
appears that the pointer moves one step if the *LBL and the LRN are
separated by keyed numerals (which leave a soft display). However,
*LBL CLR LRN does not move the pointer. Then, if the pointer is posi-
tioned at step 223 with *LBL LRN executed manually in RUN MODE, apparently
nothing happens (a second LRN reveals step 223 in LRN mode). This is
probably related to what happens when you execute an instruction at
stop 223 with SST: it takes 2 successive LRNs to get into LRN mode.
Incidently, *LBL p31 appears to behave like any other label under program
*INV' Acting Like p21: Dallas has been experimenting with sequences
involving *INV' that make it appear to behave like the p21 pseudo (2nd).
It should be noted that while p21 as a separate step doesn't always
behave like a "2nd" when merged with an instruction, which it shifts, in
the cases Dallas tried, it does: put *INV' at step 223 (99 for SR-56),
then in RUN mode (at step 223 (99)) key SST, and it will take 3 succes-
sive LRNs to get a switch to LRN mode; write beginning at step 000:
*LBL A *INV' p31, press A, press any non-edit button, then backstep to
find the code for the shifted operation of the previously keyed button;
press A (in RUN mode), then SST, and find that it has executed as *bst.
Substitute p21 for *INV' in the above sequences, and the results should
be the same. This observed behavior suggests that program or SST
execution of either *INV' or p21 can produce a viable detached pending
shift which can affect manually keyed operations in either RUN or LRN
modes. In the 3 LRNs example, the first LRN is executed as *IND (*f(n)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
for SR-56) and it takes 2 more following a step 223 (99) SST to get
into LRN mode (see "A *LBL Peculiarity" above). Speaking of label
peculiarities, unlike *INV', p21 when addressed as a label causes a
reset with error condition.
SST'd SST (52): In the course of his examining *INV' behavior,
Dallas found that execution of p71 (SST) by a manually keyed SST causes
the program pointer to skip over (or perhaps execute) the p71 and to
execute the next instruction. This effect appears to hold for any
number of successive p71s. (In RUN mode key: 1.009717171 STO 70 GTO 003
SST, and see the trailing 9 that was executed after the program pointer
skipped over (executed?) the 3 p71s)
.001 Dim Display: Chuck Sanford (214) finds that with the SR-52
plugged into the PC-100, the .0000001 dimming (V1N3p6) does not occur,
but that .001 causes dimming. Thus there appears to be a power supply
dependency for this display phenomenon (which holds for the SR-56 also).
Alphabetized Membership List
Several members with access to general purpose computer systems
have offered to prepare alphabetized membership lists, and I greatly
appreciate the volunteered help. The most attractive came from Michael
Brown (128) who managed to get an IBM 1130 system to type the output
directly on to mimeo masters. The resulting list is included with
this issue of 52-NOTES that goes to members. Many thanks Mike for
providing a valuable service that minimizes the publishing effort.
Incidently, I will note here that I intend to continue printing 52-NOTES
via my home-based mimeograph until such time as circulation should
become too large to handle. I like to be able to get ephemeral topics
in on short notice, and will assume that a majority of the membership
prefers topical timeliness to unblemished printing (until I get word
to the contrary).
TI Notes
Machine Anomalies: To date, TI has issued one "addendum" for
the SR-56; none for the SR-52. The one for the SR-56 was reportedly
included with the first retailed unit, but apparently Sandy Greenfarb
(200) didn't get one. The jist is: m + or - 0 yx n=mD12 and m + or
xrty n = nD11 (the xrty part courtesy of Sandy, who discovered both
effects while debugging a practical program).
Games PAC: The Games bonus offered in the December Scientific
American TI advertisement to buyers of new SR-52s will be available
as a regular PAC 15 January 1977.
PPX-52 Publications: The first issue of the PPX-52 Newsletter was
due to be published the last week of December. The next catalog is
due about February.
Machine Exchange: TI now has a number of centers at which users
may exchange defective machines (in warranty) for new ones. Call
Consumer Relations for the one nearest you.
SR-52 Timer Instructions (V1N7p6): Step 8 should reads "For new
timing exercise, go to step 2".
Routine B (V1N5p5): The second *fix 0 is superfluous.
52-NOTES V2N1p2
Register Behavior: Part III Overflow And Underflow
Herewith the article that I mistakenly said last month would be
in V1N7.
The SR-52 and SR-56 Owner's Manuals tell us that both machines
were designed to be in an error state any time either display or register
arithmetic causes (or tries to cause) the creation of a number whose
absolute value is smaller than 1D-99 or larger than 9.999999999D99,
and, for the SR-52 that "... When direct register arithmetic results in
underflow or overflow of that register, the error condition remains until
the contents of that register are changed." (see page 183 of the SR-52
manual). As it turns out, it is possible to create a number larger than
9.999999999D99 without triggering an error state, and the presence of an
error-state producing overflow or underflow value in a register does not
of itself cause (or continue to cause) an error state. If the 11th, 12th,
and 13th places are 499 or less, then there is no overflow, and if
register arithmetic causes an overflow, CE executed either manually or
under program control appears to turn off the error state. A subsequent
recall of an out-of-bounds number would, ofcourse, re-invoke the error
state. And then, it's even possible for an SR-52 program-memory register
to contain a sequence of op-codes which if interpreted as data would
constitute an overflow or underflow value. For example, in RUN mode
key: 9.999999999 EE 99 STO 70 9.99 EE 89 SUM 70. This should not cause
the machine to go into an error state. Yet, if RCL 70 is keyed, an
overflow error condition is created. Or, if (SR-52 only) the sequence:
+/- *PROD 0 0 0 0 0 0 is written starting at step 000, then RCL 70
creates an underflow error condition.
In the discussion that follows, let's examine register contents as
they appear in op-code format, using the designators: AB, CD, ... OP
(see V1N1p5), determine the specific characteristics that cause overflow
and underflow, and consider the concepts of "conditional" and "absolute"
overflow. Key the sequence: 9.999999999 EE 99 STO 70 4.99 EE 89 SUM 70.
Reg 70 should now contain the number 9.99999999499D99. Now RCL 70. All
9's should show, but without error condition. Now key: 1 EE 87 SUM 70.
No error condition; but after RCL 70 there is. Steps 000-007 should
look like: 90 09 50 99 99 99 99 99 which represent the number
9.99999999500D99. Note that a one was added to the 13th place changing
positions CD from 99 to 09, and EF from 49 to 50. Register arithmetic
occurred properly, i.e.: 9.999999999499D99 + 1D87 = 9.999999999500D99.
Yet the resulting sum is regarded as too large when displayed, because
of the attempted rounding to ten significant figures. I suggest that
Reg 70 is now conditionally overflowed; it contains a number which can
be operated upon normally by register arithmetic, but which when displayed
creates an overflow error state. This is true for all numbers in the
range from 9.999999999500D99 to 9.999999999999D99 inclusive. The setting
of the overflow error state during register arithmetic only occurs when
the result would be larger than 9.999999999999D99, in which case this
conditional overflow number is left in the register.
Now let's see what happens with underflow. In RUN mode key: 1 EE
+/- 99 STO 70. Steps 000-007 should look like: 94 09 00 00 00 00 00 10.
This is the smallest number the machine can hold (putting anything but
zeros in the 11th, 12th or 13th places (positions E, F, C) only makes
the number larger). Now try to make the number smaller by keying: .1
*PROD 70. No error condition. Analogous to overflow, the number left
in the register is the smallest possible, but unlike overflow, the
register is not "conditionally" underflowed; i.e. bringing it into the
52-NOTES V2N1p3
display does not cause an error condition. Now let's see what happens
when we artificially create a "number" that is too small to recognize
as a datum (SR-52 only). Cycle the on-off switch, then in LRN mode at
step 001 key *E'. Now in RUN mode key RCL 70, and see 1D-12. The
machine moved the one at position C 12 positions down to position 0 in
order to format it acceptably for display (see V1N2p2) and compensated
for this by the D-12. Now, in LRN mode beginning at step 000 key: +/-
*D' 0 0 0 0 0 0. From what happened in the preceding example, we might
expect the machine to interpret this "number" as 1D-111 which is, ofcourse,
too small to display. Indeed, if in RUN mode you RCL 70, you will get
a flashed 1D-99. The smallest artificially creatable legal number would
look like: 84 09 00 00 00 00 00 01 which transfers as 1D-99. Apparently
artificially created too-small numbers cannot be expanded via register
arithmetic to become "legal". If 1D-100 (represented in steps 000-007 by
94 09 00 00 00 00 00 01) is multiplied by 10 (via register arithmetic),
the result is 1D-98 (instead of the correct 1D-99) and an error state
created. In fact, register arithmetic performed on any artificially
created underflow number, treats that number as 1D-99 before operating
on it.
Some of the implications of all this are: 1) Either conditionally
or absolutely overflowed registers will respond normally to register
arithmetic, provided absolute overflow does not result, 2) RCL of
either conditionally or absolutely overflowed registers creates an
error condition, 3) there is no conditional underflow, 4) RCL of an
underflowed register does not create an error condition, and 5) register
contents that are interpreted as less than 1D-99 are treated as 1D-99
during either register arithmetic or when recalled, and an error condition
is created in either case.
The Matrix Challenge (52)
Some of us have found it both challenging and rewarding to write
programs that solve common matrix problems. Much of the challenge lies
in how to determine the best approach, as well as how best to mechanize
the chosen one. I first confronted the SR-52 4 x 4 determinant problem
a year ago, and thought that a fairly straight forward FORTRAN algorithm
for a Gaussian Elimination method would work well. I managed to get a
working program to fit on one card (which could also be modified to get
a 5 X 5 determinant) but it wouldn't handle column exchange when zeros
were produced on the diagonal. So I modified the main program so that
it would automatically read a second card that would exchange columns if
required (4 X 4 only). It was great fun working out multiple pointer
manipulations and program overlays, but the program didn't perform nearly
as well as Dix Fulton's straight forward approach (V1N3p4). I haven't
yet come across a program superior to Dix's for just calculating a 4 X 4
determinant, but it is tempting to try to squeeze in other matrix opera-
tions all on one card. Using a table lookup scheme to save space (V1N4p2)
Alan Trimble tacked on a solution to 4 simultaneous equations that works
well, but appears to be surpassed by Rick Wenger's (235) program (below)
which runs faster and requires fewer steps, mechanized with an extensive
network of subroutines. Incidently, there is a clever flag shortcut in
Rick's programs a call to the undefined D function sets the "flag" and
*iferr provides the test. (It's just too bad if a real error shows up!)
For a matrix inverse solution, it appears that no matter what
approach you take, there are a lot of computations involved... more than
can be fit into a one-card SR-52 program, without clever manipulations/
52-NOTES V2N1p4
tricks. I tried a table lookup optimization (V1N5p4,5,6) approach, but
still couldn't squeeze it all in. However, there is at least one way
that works, as Barbara Osofsky (420) shows in the program that follows
(modified with a few I/O, throughput, and space-saving enhancements,
including Rick's flag shortcut). A 92-step subroutine does all the
arithmetic; the other 132 steps handle input, output and the required
register manipulation to make 20 calls to subroutine *A'. Although
this program was written to be used with the printer, it can be used
without the printer by substituting HLTs for the *prts at steps 082 and
191. Barbara claims to be close to a one-card 5 X 5 inversion... good
luck! Then, ofcourse, it would be nice to combine the determinant,
inverse, and equations solutions all on one card. The four equations
constants can be input following the matrix elements in Barbara's
program, but Cramer's Rule column exchanges would need to be done
manually. Perhaps someone can combine Rick's and Barbara's programs
into one!
SR-52 Program: 4 Simultaneous Equations Rick Wenger (235)
User Instructions: Same as for the V1N4p2 program.
Program Listing
000: *LBL E STO 68 *IND RCL 68 *rtn *LBL *A' E X RCL 15 - RCL 14 X *rtn
023: *LBL *B' E ) X ( *rtn *LBL *C' E X *rtn *LBL *D' E - *rtn
040: *LBL *E' E ) + ( *rtn *LBL C E X RCL 13 - RCL 12 X *rtn
*LBL B *IND RCL 68 *IND *EXC 69 *LBL A *IND E 1 SUM 68 SUN 69 RCL 68 *rtn
085: 0 STO 69 D (10 *A' 11 *B' 0 *C' 5 *D' 1 *C' 4 *E' 6 *A' 7 *B' 1 *C'
111: 8 *D' 0 *C' 9 *E' 2 *A' 3 *B' 4 *C' 9 *D' 5 *C' 8 *E' 8 C 9 *B'
133: 2 *C' 7 *D' 3 *C' 6 *E' 4 C 5 *B' 3 *C' 10 *D' 2 *C' 11 *E' 0 C
157: 1 *B' 6 *C' 11 *D' 7 *C' 10 *E' 0 = *iferr 197 div RCL 66 = HLT
181: 1 +/- *PROD 66 16 E B B B B GTO 090 STO 66 CE GTO 186
- - - - - - -
SR-52 Program: 4 X 4 Determinant and Inverse Barbara Osofsky (420)/Ed
User Instructions
1. Initialize with CLR
2. Key first element, press E; see 1 displayed, and printed confirmation
3. Key ith element, press E or RUN; see i displayed and printed confir-
mation. Repeat for i = 2, 3, ... 16 with row-wise catenation
4. Press A, and get printed the determinant, followed by the 16 inverse
elements grouped by rows. Program ends with -1 displayed. For a
new problem, go to step 1.
Program Listing
000: *LBL *A' RCL 05 X (RCL 10 X RCL 15 - RCL 14 X RCL 11 ) + RCL 06 x
028: (RCL 11 X RCL 13 - RCL 15 X RCL 09 ) + RCL 07 X (RCL 09 X RCL 14 -
059: RCL 13 X RCL 10 = div RCL 99 +/- STO 99 +/- = *ifflg 0 083 *prt
083: X RCL 00 = SUM 69 *rtn *LBL C + 3 STO 98 = STO 68 *IND RCL 98
107: *IND *EXC 68 *IND STO 98 4 *iferr 121 1 +/- SUM 68 SUM 98 RCL 98
131: *ifpos 103 CE *rtn *LBL B *A' 4 C *A' 8 C *A' 12 C *A' 12 C 8 C
155: 4 C *rtn *LBL *D' *pap D + 1 +/- *PROD 99 12 GTO 096 *LBL A *pap
177: *stflg 0 1 STO 99 CLR B INV *stflg 0 RCL 69 *prt *pap STO 99 B 1
198: *D' B 2 *D' B 3 *D' B *rtn *LBL E *IND STO 69 *prt 1 SUM 69
218: RCL 69 HLT GTO E
- - - - - - - -
52-NOTES V2N1p5
PC-100 Hardware Problems: Gerald Donnelly (203) has had several
printer problems, and wonders what is the best way to get satisfaction.
Since it now appears that many of the early PC-100s were poorly designed
or fabricated, my advice is to keep exchanging units until you get a good
one (Gerald and I are already on our second replacements). Just make
sure you find all the faults before your warranty expires! Gerald sug-
gests that it might be helpful to the membership to tally incidences of
hardware problems. Let me know yours, and I'll pass the info along in
a future newsletter.
Duplicate PPX-52 Programs: Barbara Osofsky (420) brings up the
matter of PPX-52 possibly rejecting a program because it produces the
same results as one already in the library, even though it may be
superior in some way. She suggests that Club members could share their
PPX-52-rejected but superior programs. This looks like a good idea, and
I invite members who wish to participate to send me an abstract of a
rejected superior program, the ways it is superior to a corresponding
PPX-52 program, and to be willing to provide copies to members who send
a SASE and money (state how much you require) to cover copying costs.
I will publish such declarations in future newsletters.
SR-52 Pause Function: Don Williams (29) and Shuichi Takahashi (422)
would like to know if anyone has been able to create an SR-56-type pause
function for the SR-52.
Book Review: Applied Mathematical Physics with Programmable Pocket
Calculators Robert N Eisberg (McGraw-Hill 1976, 176 pages)
The capabilities and availability of the SR-56 and HP-25 class of
personal programinables led physics professor Eisberg to consider a new
approach to introducing selected topics in physics at the college level.
By mechanizing elementary numerical solutions to differentiation, inte-
gration, and differential equations for both the SR-56 and HP-25,
Eisberg introduces physics problems to the novice which would be either
too difficult or just plain unsolvable using analytic techniques. Topics
range over linear and central-force motion with friction taken into account;
mechanical and quantum theory oscillators with resonance, damping, and
coupling; and random processes. The programs appear to work, although
most could be readily optimized for more efficient I/O. And since most
output is destined to be plotted, incorporation of the PC-100 printer
with the SR-56 programs would be a significant enhancement. This looks
like a good book for layman personal programmable users as well as physics
instructors and students.
Correction: V2N1p4 (bottom)
The sequence: 1 EE +/- 99 STO 70 .1 *PROD 70 does create an error
condition; subsequent RCL 70 does not.
Membership Address Change
Make the following change to your membership list: #281: #18 (not
52-NOTES V2N1p6 (end)